Farewell Dinner for Mr. Detlef
21st of July was a time when we bade farewell to Mr. Detlef as he prepares for his next milestone in life – Retirement. Mr Detlef has been with SHAS for 16 years! His iron forearms and iron legs are testament to his years of training in and out the dojang.
The farewell party was held at the Jungle Bar in The Swiss Club. It was wonderful to be in the company of members, past and present, come together outside of dojang, and spend a beautiful Saturday evening enjoying the food and conversations.
As the night came to an end, Master Sng presented Mr. Detlef with a farewell gift prepared by Ms. Angie and members of SHAS.
As Mr. Detlef prepares for his departure, we wish him all the best in his future endeavours, and look forward to him visit us in the near future!
As a wise senior once said to Mr. Detlef, “You can always train with us via Facetime!”
See you soon!
Written by Mr. Calvin Eng
© Sun Hapkido Academy Singapore 2018